Has the judge been disbarred yet? It would seem like an open and shut case that he has permanently disqualified himself as an officer of the court. To whatever extent the local or state DA shared this lynch mob mentality, he or she should also face the possibility of disbarment. One of the advantages of this kind of case is that reversing an unjustified conviction is possible… an unjustified acquittal is generally out of reach. How could the DA allow a felony murder charge to be filed? How could the judge allow grossly overcharged defendants to be convicted? The answer to me would be the same reason as the Duke lacrosse case: malicious prosecution followed by unjustifiable judgment. The judge’s exclusion of exculpatory information about the “victim” was especially egregious, as it explained his behavior toward the defendants. It was the judge and the prosecutor, not the defendants, that practiced lynch law.

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Thank you Mr. Cashill! 👏👏👏 This article was a tour de force that reads like a novel! I didn’t know any of these facts about the Arbery case! I didn’t know Mr. Arbery was mentally ill and wasn’t taking his medication, I didn’t know his own mother was afraid of him or that he stole Travis’ gun. Nor was I aware Arbery wrestled with Travis and tried to take his gun from him. There can be no doubt about it, Greg and Travis McMichael were railroaded by a bias judge who should’ve been removed from the bench long ago. They did NOT get a fair trial! Nor were either of them racist! They didn’t pursue Arbery because he was black, they pursued him because they recognized him as the man who stole Travis’ gun and committed a number of burglaries in the area. The sensationalistic media and money hungry PC pressure groups like the NAACP, tarred and feathered them as being akin to modern day Klansman who had lynched a poor helpless black man. It was all a lie! The story of the McMichaels is a story of a great American injustice! I’m glad George Zimmerman was rightly found innocent in the Trayvon Martin case. In both cases the shootings were done in self-defense and the victims’ race had diddly squat to do with it. Travis and Greg McMichael were simply trying to peacefully get Ahmaud Arbery to surrender so the police could take him quietly into custody when they arrived and nobody would get hurt. But Arbery ran away, wouldn’t listen to reason and attacked the father and son duo. Roddie Bryan meanwhile simply followed along in an attempt to help the McMichaels. None of them did anything wrong. Arbery’s death tragic as it was, was his own fault and the fault of our broken mental health care system. Travis and Greg McMichael were punished for doing the right thing and trying to protect others just like Daniel Penny was. Their trial was a complete sham and Roddie Bryan under duress, lied in order to not get such a harsh sentence. Though he got one anyway. Shame on race grifter Shaun King for posting a selectively edited video of what took place in order to create chaos and racial division! The McMichaels are now both in prison for life and Travis’ son is without his dad. I call on President Trump to pardon Greg and Travis McMichael and Roddie Bryan! They all should be released and given their freedom at once! The evidence in this case completely exonerates them! Judge Timothy Walmsley should be disbarred and arrested as soon as possible! Jack, you have done you’re country and the American people a great service with this article! The inappropriate insertion of race into prominent legal cases is sadly a trend throughout U.S. history whether it be O.J. Simpson, Bernhard Goetz, Damian “Football” Williams, Kyle Rittenhouse, Nick Sandmann, Michael Brown, George Floyd, Jacob Blake, Breanna Taylor, or the Central Park Five. Mr. Arbery’s death was an unfortunate tragedy but he was NOT a real victim of racial violence that would be folks like Emmett Till, Jesse Washington, Thomas Shipp and Abram Smith, James Chaney, Jimmie Lee Jackson, George Stinney, Isaac Woodard, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Medgar Evers, James Meredith, John Lewis, Michael Donald, James Byrd, Jr., and the four little girls who were killed in the 1963 Birmingham Church Bombing. It is an insult to all of them and a complete perversion of Dr. King’s dream that this shocking injustice took place! The McMichaels and Mr. Bryan are nothing like real racist monsters like Roy Bryant and J.W. Milam, Byron De La Beckwith, Henry Hays, Edgar Ray Killen, Joseph Paul Franklin, or Bob Mathews and the Order! If you think they are, you are are part of what’s wrong with this country! The brave heroes of the Civil Rights Movement did not face down fire houses, dogs, beatings, bombings, violent mobs, the KKK, racist sheriffs, and the White Citizens’ Council so that our society would continue to use mob justice against others and send innocent people to prison based purely on the color of their skin.

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I didn’t know any of this either. Polarized thinking, in whichever direction, is blind to the complex phenomena we call living, being human individuals that are sharing a society with strangers, with particular complexities unknown much of the time, living in a world only to lose what makes life meaningful and full, to death (sooner or later). The denial of death has never been stronger. And neurosis and psychosis rises in its stead. Another casualty of the loss of a shared spiritual reference point. “Justice”, “safety”, “order”, are relative. Seems like too many are looking for elementary school applications of said concepts. That’s what they are: conceptual. They don’t actually exist in the natural world.

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Free Greg and Travis McMichael. I call on President Trump to pardon these innocent US Veterans. This is just horrible that they had to and still are go through the Georgia prison system because they wanted to defend their neighborhood and the citizens residing to any potential harm.

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Still in jail. Lives ruined. Evil judge . Petty tyrant who couldn’t referee a little league game honestly.4G

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I agree! Please, everyone, urge President to pardon these men. This brought me to tears because of the travesty of justice, and the only right thing to do is to release them now!!

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Loved your book about Roseville/ Newark. Exposed the work of the Chicago 8 and “ Community Organizers.”No one else ever mentioned Tom Hayden and his role.

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